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Alvin Ailey Dance Theater
1 PM Kennedy Center Opera House

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  • All seats together unless noted

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 When tickets sell, they are gone.

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Event Information


Service Charges Explained

Service charges are used for business operations necessary to offer a superior selection of genuine, valid tickets to live events around the country. Among other activities, these operations include advertising, updating our website, and supporting our dedicated customer service team.

Limited Inventory Explained

Inventory percentages include all available tickets on our site relative to venue capacity. To enhance your experience, we display the best available tickets.

Clear View Checked Explained

We've reviewed the seller's notes for any indication of obstruction and found none.

Seller's Notes

100% Buyer Guarantee

Your seats will be together

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Alvin Ailey Dance Theater
1 PM Kennedy Center Opera House

The image above is a view from the section. Your view may differ based on row and seat.

Plus service and delivery fees

All inclusive pricing

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100% Buyer Guarantee

Your seats will be together

Buy with confidence, pricing is all inclusive.


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The image above is a view from the section. Your view may differ based on row and seat.

Plus service and delivery fees

All inclusive pricing

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You'll be seated together

100% Buyer Guarantee

Your seats will be together

Reseller License Numbers


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This website is independently owned and operated and is not affiliated with any official venue or event box office, official venue or event website, and this website is not the licensed ticket agent of any official box office. Prices may be above or below face value. Tickets are listed by independent resellers and made available through a third-party platform. The third-party platform also handles checkout, payment processing, fulfillment, and customer service. For more information, please visit the Terms & Privacy Policy.